Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Green your back to school shopping: "Shop" at Home Before You Shop at the Store

When you're doing your back to school shopping, it's exciting to get new things, but before you get too excited, think about our earth while you're shopping.
My first tip for greener back to school shopping is look around your house to find things that you already have before going out and buying new ones! I just found a ton of pens, pencils, sharpies in a drawer! I also found a pencil box, stapler, a 3 hole puncher that fits in a binder, and some other random things.
Another tip: re-use old notebooks!  Before you go and buy new notebooks, see if you have pages left in old ones, and use those first. You can either rip out the old pages or just add a new heading at the next blank page. I know I have tons of notebooks that I've collected over the years that are half empty, so I don't plan on buying new ones til those run out. Re-using notebooks that you already have is better than using new notebooks with recycled paper, because recycling still uses energy. But when you do run out of notebooks, try to stick to ones with recycled paper (although I wouldn't blame you for opting for the $0.17 alternative. I know most college students are as broke as I am).

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